Finally finals
Am I ever glad that the semester is almost over for me. I have three more finals which I have today and tomorrow. So Thursday afternoon I am free from papers, tests and having to put up with stupid people in the dorms for about a month. That's right I have around a month to not wake up at seven in the morning to get ready for eight o'clock classes. I have gotten used to eight o'clock classes, which doesn't mean I like them, because through some odd twist of fate I have had at least one eight o'clock every semester since I've been in college. Yes, that holds true for next semester too. I didn't realize that until I was talking with a friend about a week or two after I enroll. After I realized that I had inadvertently scheduled a two hour lab at eight o'clock I thought to myself "Crap, why do I do this kind of stuff to myself?"
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