Monday, October 23, 2006

Positronic Brain Neurology

Wow, am I ever a nerd! I say this because just now I was trying to find some sort of schematic for positronic brains online. Yes, I know that positronic brains don't actually exist as of yet but that's not the point. I want to at least get some idea of what they look like. Yes, I'm aware that Data from Star Trek: TNG had a positronic brain and that the inside of his head was shown on more than one occasion. That, however, isn't enough for my curiousity. I actually want to know more of how one of these artifical brains work. The description that Asimov gives in "I, Robot" is /really/ vague. Plus, no one else really seems to fully know the ins and outs of positronic brains either or at least not from what I've found. So seriously if you can find a schematic or a clear description of the workings of the positronic brain than please leave a comment and a link to a website that gives either or both of those. I'd be extremely pleased.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Rabbit Stew

I was a bit surprised tonight when I a friend told me that he had never heard of Isaac Asimov. Ok, I take that back I was really surprised. The reason being is that I've been under the influence that Asimov was/is, depending on how you want to interpret it, a giant in the field of science fiction and well know outside of the circle of those who read science fiction as well. I guess that I was less correct than I thought. I understand if he never read anything by Asimov because I've never read anything by him until now. I'm reading I, Robot right now and that's how the discussion came up with my friend.

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Saturday, October 14, 2006

One or Two Lumps

On my computer I have installed two video cards, so of course I have two monitors. I’ve had the second monitor installed over the summer. I say that so that you might better understand what I’m about to say. I don’t much like computers that are, shall I say, more mundane (only one monitor.) ;) I keep wanting to move my cursor over to the other monitor. However, when I realize that I can’t because there isn’t one I get a little peeved for about a minute. Nerdy? Yes, but who cares? I mean seriously what does it matters if I have two monitors, it just means that I can have one application up on one monitor and a different one on the other.

Saucers Seen Over Hollywood.

I think that part of my apparition of movies that rank on the b-list or lower comes from my early exposure to Japanese monster movies. Right now I'm watching Plan 9 from Outer Space. Let me tell you it is really lame so far and it's only about twenty minutes in. To tell the truth I think that the movie wouldn't be as bad if it weren't for the narration and the really cheesy effects. I guess that it's good that I like cheese. Ok, that was a lame joke. Plan 9 from Outer Space is the type of movie that is worthy of MST3King. I might not be watching it if it weren't so funny and plus it has Bela Lugosi in it.
