Wednesday, May 31, 2006

How cloning really happens

I find it a bit disconcerting how much a small animal can shed. I say this because I was sitting at my computer with my cat in my lap petting him. The amount of fur that he was shedding was almost enough to make another cat. Well the fur he was shedding tonight and the past few days could, at least in the amount of fur anyway. He's lucky I like cats otherwise I might be upset that he was shedding all over me. As it is I'm not exactly happy about it but not really horribly upset about it either.


Saturday, May 27, 2006

Late Breaking News

I realize that this a bit late but I am just now getting around to posting about it. Please bear with me on the lateness of the posting, also please forgive me. I only caught the tail end of the President's speech on Monday of last week, the one on illegal aliens and the guest worker program, etc. However as soon as I heard him mention the guest worker program I knew right then and there that he was taking the wring course of action and not being firm enough. What he probably needed/needs to do was/is to have all of the illegals kicked out of the country and if they want to return as legal immigrants well they should wait their turn like any law abiding person should, citizen of that country or not. That's the least of what President Bush should do.

Will he actually do that? No, he'll not even come close to that I can almost promise it. Why am I so certain of this? Well, think about it for a minute. He went to war with Iraq at the wrong time, and now this. Of course, I'm sure there have been other things in between the start of the war in Iraq and Bush's "meaningful punishments." I'm just not going to get into them. My point is that he hasn't quite handled things exactly the way that he really should have. I'm not saying that I think Bush is a total screw up but rather not managing things as well as he could have.

I don't consider myself an expert of politics so if my analysis of the situation seems a tad off or shallow, thats why. Questions? Comments? Than go for it, leave it/them.


Shameless promotion

As of last month I have started a blog that I share with another blogger. It's titled Two Guys, a Blog, and a Mental Condition. Don't ask me why we named it that, all I can say is that it was late and we were in a weird mood. While I'm in the promoting mood why don't I point you in the direction of the personal blog of the friend that I share the blog mentioned above with.

So drop by those blogs and remember comments are always welcome, whether here or there.


Redundent Redundency?

I recently saw a commercial for an area pub & grill. This left me a little confused since that pretty much seems redundent, to me at least. The reason is that I have almost always been under the impression that a person could order food at a pub. So based solely on that assumption the owners of this establishment shouldn't have to tout it as both. I could be entirely incorrect in my assumption, if so please correct me.


Saturday, May 20, 2006

"Armor of Hardrock"

For some reason I keep remembering an anime show that I watched when I first started watching anime. The show, Ronnin Warriors. I really enjoyed it when it was aired on Toonami a few years back. Yeah, I realize that I likely come across as either really lame or really weird for claiming to enjoy an animated show. I'm not even sure exactly I enjoyed the show except for the fact that it seemed, to me, to be relatively well written and pretty interesting plotwise. Don't worry about pointing out to me my level of nerdness since I already have a good idea of where it lies.


Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Not sure about this one

I just tried Coca-Cola's new "energy" drink, Vault. I don't see what's so special about it. The reason is because it tastes almost exactly like what I remember Surge tasted like. I think it's a bit funny that Surge was pulled off the market because it supposedly had too much caffine but a few year later a new drink that's an "energy" drink that tastes almost exactly like it is released, go figure. It could just be coincidence but I'm not sure.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

"It's only good for two things cleaning engines and..."

Oh, it was great. At dinner tonight I was going for a refill of peach tea and I smelt that coffee had just been brewed. I'm not talking about the cafeteria's typical mediocre brew either. I'm talking they had brewed the wonderfully strong stuff. As soon as I smelled it I forget the peach tea. I almost regreted that I didn't get the refill but a nice strong cup of coffee will almost always win out over a cup of peach tea; no matter how good the peach tea is.


""No, I'm not going without an Oompa Loompa song!

I have recently come to the realization how much I've been effected by "Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory." I say this because I'll catch myself humming songs from it, for now apparent reason at all. Not that I mind, it just seems interesting. The most common one is the Oompa Loompa song.

I really find great amusment from this whole "ordeal." Why? Simply because I find the movie to be an entertaining movie. That and I've seen the movie so many times that I've grown to almost love it. Emphesis on almost.


Sunday, May 07, 2006

The Truth is Out There...

Over dinner the other day some friends were discussing the whole conspiracy of the moon landing being filmed in a studio. One of them said that eventually the government would make a full disclosure of the incident. So I ended up telling the one that if the government had filmed the landing in a studio somewhere my friend was being extremely niave for believing that the government would ever make a full disclosure about the incident. Just about the only reason that I can see that the government would come clean about the situation, if they did film the moon landing as the cospiracy therory states, is if they were forced to but only possibly to cover up for something else. They however would likely spin it in their favour.

I however don't believe that the government did fake the moon landing. I mean really, why bother? I know many of the theories but they almost seem comical. I don't mean to say that the moon landing couldn't have been a hoax but I don't see much point to it. I also am not saying that the government isn't covering anything up either. I'm too much of an X-Files fan to not believe that the government isn't covering something up.


Thursday, May 04, 2006

"...He still doesn't realize he's a horse."

A friend recently introduced me to a flavour of potato chips that I never knew existed until than. Steak and worchteshire sauce, very interesting I might add. It may or may not sound good at first but it really is a good flavour. Yes, for those of you who are thinking it I do have a some what odd taste in food. With liking wasabi peas and now the steak and worchteshire sauce potato chips, you may be wondering what I'll add next. I have been introduced to foods that, in my opinion, are weirder. For example ginger beer, my roommate introduced me to ginger beer (non-alchoholic). I think that it's definately an aqcuired taste. Don't get me wrong it isn't horrible but isn't quite for those who are neophobic. The reason is that it has a fairly strong honey flavour mixed with a ginger flavour. The honey taste caught me off guard but the ginger I expected.


Tuesday, May 02, 2006

"You're Friendly Fired"

I was taking a break earler tonight and played a PS2 game with some friends. It was crazy, one of my friends who was on my team was getting kind of mad for very little reason. I can understand where he was coming from but he really needed to chill out. Friendly fire was on, which was part of the problem. The way I see it that sort of thing will likely happen in a fight in real life. Since it does, my friend just needs to chill out in my opinion. No, I wasn't trying to attack him but:

A) I was still getting the hang of the game,

B) He got in the way and I accidently hit him

Ultimately, he played and complained for most of the game about that and "double teaming." While I was thinking that he should stop crying.
