Friday, December 23, 2005

The real nemesis of Godzilla

Yesterday the Sci-Fi channel played what qualifies as the worst Godzilla movie I've ever seen, Godzilla vs. Hedorah. The plot boils down to how pollution has gotten so bad that it has spawned a sludge eating and smog drinking monster that is capable of transforming into different forms and goes around killing people. Godzilla is the great protector of the environment that evidently has gotten an advanced degree in monster killing electronics, because at the end of the movie he know exactly what the device that was designed to kill the Hedorah does even before they military used it. Yeah, that was sarcasm. I'm not implying that Godzilla isn't intelligent but that little point was stretching any sense of possible believability. I know that Godzilla doesn't exist and that any such large lizards aren't likely to exist but if you are willing to suspend disbelief long enough to allow for his existence then there should be limits, at least in my opinion.

Another thing that I didn't like is that the makers of this attempt at a Godzilla movie made it too cartoonish. They made Godzilla do stuff that I don't think a giant atomic bomb mutated lizard would do. In other words it seemed as if he acted too human. I could just be forgetting the way that he acted up in the movies that had been made up to the date that this movie was made but Godzilla giving the army guys a look that basically said "I can't believe that you were so stupid as to screw this up," among other things, just seems to stretch the credibility a tad. The movie really didn't seem to have any sense of flowing either. I've seen movies that had less of a sense of flowing that made more sense than this movie.

One more point, among the many, is that at the end of the movie when we thought that the Hedorah had been killed, it pulled a Phoenix. In other words it rose from the ashes and flew away. To which Godzilla looked at the ground and breathed a continuous stream of fire. In doing so he raised off the ground and used the stream of fire as a means of propelling himself through the air after the Hedorah. I mean really the only reason that I can think of why he hadn't done that before, or to my knowledge, since is that it cost too much energy to do on a regular basis.


Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Flung Poo

Ugh, I wish that I had gotten around to giving my roommate the boot when I first thought of it. He just does stuff that annoys me but if I just had to put up with him it would be at least tolerable, since he's intelligent enough not to be a pain in the butt because of a lack of intelligence. But I have to put up with his idiotic friends that have the average intelligence of a rhesus monkey. That probably isn't fair to a couple of them but they just get on my nerves. I know I would fail if I went into bussiness as a goat shepard, is that even the correct term?

I even went as far as making a list of friends to ask about switching rooms to become roommates next semester. What happened to that list it's probably still a book mark for the book for the Western Civ document book that was a required buy. Hey, it may not be too late the first couple weeks of next semester. One can only hope.


Finally finals

Am I ever glad that the semester is almost over for me. I have three more finals which I have today and tomorrow. So Thursday afternoon I am free from papers, tests and having to put up with stupid people in the dorms for about a month. That's right I have around a month to not wake up at seven in the morning to get ready for eight o'clock classes. I have gotten used to eight o'clock classes, which doesn't mean I like them, because through some odd twist of fate I have had at least one eight o'clock every semester since I've been in college. Yes, that holds true for next semester too. I didn't realize that until I was talking with a friend about a week or two after I enroll. After I realized that I had inadvertently scheduled a two hour lab at eight o'clock I thought to myself "Crap, why do I do this kind of stuff to myself?"


Monday, December 12, 2005

Michael Jackson as punch line of any joke

It is my firm belief that Lewis Black is one of the funniest comiediens of all time, or at least for quite some time. If you are not at all familiar with his stuff then it's my belief that you're missing out on some funny stuff. But be warned that if you don't like vulgarity then his stuff isn't for you. Persnoally though I think Lewis Black's stuff is hiliarious.


Saturday, December 10, 2005

Rules of Engagement

Since there has been a spike in comments recently I have decided to declare what my policy on commenting is. I don't mind commenters that mention their websites/blog as long as somewhere in the comment they touch on what I said in the post. However if the comment is vulger/obscene I will delete it and possibly ban the commenter from commenting. I will do the same thing if the commentors website contains obscenity.

Why? Because I don't want people associating my website with vulgarity/obcenity. I'm not saying that I have much of a problem with vulgar language but I don't know who is going to visit my blog. Since I don't know who will be visiting here I don't want to have a possible reader driven away.

Update: There is some wiggle room on my policy so don't worry if it happens occasionally. Part of the wiggle room being that if I'm more familiar with you through various means or if it happens only occasionally.


Godzilla v. Santa

I find it mildly amusing that the on-campus coffee shop has gone through redecoration, in the last few months. Why do I find this amusing? Because what they think as improvements aren't. I mean seriously how are big clocks and odd paint colours an improvement? I don't consider myself an expert in decorating, as a matter of fact my idea of decorating is putting posters up on the walls and putting an area rug on tile. That's my method of decorating my dorm room in a nut shell. The official story for the redecoration is that they want students to feel more comfortable in the coffee shop/computer lab. They didn't want the bland institutional off-white paint on the walls. My view is that if they have good coffee that's all that matters other than the place is clean and the people serving the coffee are quick and courteous as well as know their stuff. If the coffee is good it will sell its self.

I guess that I'm just a bit odd in the sense that when on the rare occurrence that I go to coffee shops I go for the company and the coffee not the way that the place is decorated. The coffee shop could be a bare warehouse but if the coffee were good and those selling the coffee were honest,straight forward people I would go. Each to their own I guess.

While I'm thinking about it a problem that I have with coffee shops as a whole is the price of their coffee is so steep, in my opinion, that it almost isn't worth buying. That could just be me though because I'm a bit cheap when it comes to spending money.


Friday, December 09, 2005

I'm going to have to confiscate your film

I don't entirely understand why some people are confused at my dislike of having my picture taken. I mean really it's not that hard to understand. When I say no, guess what, I mean no. Stop trying to persuade me to give into this silly thing you call capturing memories. You want to know what I call it? I call it documentation of my activities. Not that I do anything illegal or anything that I could be blackmailed for but if my activities are documented, so it steals from the mystique that I'm to surround myself in. Ok, so I'm not really trying to surround myself in a mystique but it is a bit about privecy I guess. I know, I know having my picture taken "creates bonds between my self and others" but that's nonsense. If they can't remember that something special happened and that I shared in that moment then who's fault is that? Not mine, so they should stop trying to force me to stand still and have my picture taken.

What brings this up is that some of my friends are crazy about photography. That's fine if they like it but please don't include me. I guess that I'm being a bit of a grouch but it's my life and I can tell people that I don't want my picture taken and that they should respect my wishes.


Wednesday, December 07, 2005

That time that I had to hug a tree

More nonsensical jibberistic crap.

The Movie Of Your Life Is An Indie Flick
You do things your own way - and it's made for colorful times. Your life hasn't turned out how anyone expected, thank goodness! Your best movie matches: Clerks, Garden State, Napoleon Dynamite

Monday, December 05, 2005

20 Reasons Why Barfing is Better Than School Food

20. After you barf, you feel better
19. You can barf whenever you want
18. When you barf, you don't have to wait in line
17. Barf is always warm
16. You don't have to sneak barf out of the cafeteria
15. When you're barfing, a bent spoon is an advantage
14. You can lose weight barfing
13. You don't have to pay to barf
12. Barf is SUPPOSED to look like that
11. When you barf, you don't have to come back for seconds
10. You don't have to barf everyday
9. Barfing can never cause you to eat school food afterward
8. You can barf without a photo ID
7. Barf is organic and biodegradable
6. They don't ration barf
5. After you barf, at least you know what you've eaten
4. Plastic barf is funny; plastic school food is redundant
3. You don't have to barf the same thing five days in a row
2. A dog will eat barf
1. After you barf, at least there is some taste in your mouth

BTW I didn't make these up I received this in an email a few years back my fresman year.


Oh the Stress of Being Cafeteria Food

Ugh. I hate having to do research papers. I have five due on Tuesday, well actually four research papers and one that's just a slight reworking of the previous ones for a total of five papers. Confusing, I know but its what I have to do. Plus I have a presentation in British Lit. II class that I forgot about until this morning that I have to do for my 9:30 class tomorrow. So no stress here. Oh, wait I do have stress, a lot of it. If you are interested in buying slightly used negative stress contact me I'll sell it to you at a discount price. Kidding, I'm kidding.

On an unrelated subject, I hear a fair amount of people complaining about the university's cafeteria food. Most recently was this afternoon before my Western Civ class, by a friend who I'll call for this post FratBoy. Every time I hear someone complaining I have a hard time not thinking to myself "Grow up. It isn't gourmet but it's edible. Plus it won't likely kill you." I think that mostly people miss the food that they get at home and either don't realize or don't care that the cafiteria staff have to prepare food in bulk to make sure to have enough for everyone. Which true can sometimes lead to it sitting out on the buffet longer but that's one of the down sides to the system. They also typically can't add to much spice because if they did some wuss would complain. Oh, wait that's happened, someone complained how they got sick. Which in its self would have been of benefit, since they may have had an allergy to what they ate. That is if they could have figured out what they ate.


Thursday, December 01, 2005

The sky is falling...oh wait that's just the approval rating of Disney

I went and watched Chicken Little tonight with some friends. Each coupon to get a ticket was a dollar and the Student Activites office was contributing the money to United Way. I might not have gone had a one of my friends offered to cover the cost. Hey, I feel bad really I do, I didn't want to have him pay but he insisted. But I digress I could have watched any of the movies I that were playing at the time, but like I said I chose to watch Chicken Little. The only reason that I chose the way that I did was that most of my friends that went watched it.

If you haven't seen Chicken Little or heard anything about it let me be the first to tell you that it is a waste of time. Children might enjoy it but if you don't have any small children or don't enjoy childrens movies than it might not be for you. Childrens movies aren't my cup of tea so I didn't enjoy the movie as a whole. True, I did laugh at a couple things but the movie as a whole did not appeal to me. Though I know that it wouldn't going into it. I did enjoy myself when I wasn't groaning from the sheer ridiculousness of the movie.

To clarify the title of this post, I'm not totally and completly against Disney but just for the most part in the past few years.
