Quick he's onto you, lie harder.
Oh, wait I didn't just use say that in the title did I? Ah, crap...I did. I find it absolutely hilarious that some people think that they can get away with lying. Ok, maybe not lie exactly but just using something as a convenient excuse. What brings me to say this is that a coworker claims to be having a problem with her foot and takes a leave of absence for what will amount to about a month and a half. Medical reasons supposedly. I seriously believe that she's just using her "foot hurting" as an excuse for pretty much having an uninterrupted time to the Gears of War 3 beta. You probably should know that this individual is a gamer, an avid Gears of War fan, had early access to the beta, and said while laughing that if she didn't come in the week the early access started that she wouldn't be playing the beta.
What am I saying? If it weren't clear before, I do believe that this individual is a friggin' liar. Oh well some people are just that sad.