Tuesday, November 29, 2005

The time that I woke up in a tub full of ice

I hate how expensive textbooks are. For example for next semester I'm going to have to buy three books and between them if I were to buy them at the bookstore I'd have to pay $128.75. However if I were to go online and buy my books for next semester right now I can get them for $55.72. True, that's still more than I'd like to pay on textbooks but it's still better than having to sell a kidney on the black market just to have the money to pay for textbooks.


Friday, November 25, 2005


Ha! I just read that the newest incarnation of the X-Box is a bit on the buggy side. It seems that there have been reports of crashes among other problems. I when I've played on the X-Box I haven't honestly enjoyed theexperience. I guess part of that is that I'm more used to playing on Playstations and another part of it is that I don't trust Microsoft to build a truely reliable product. I heard of this problem here.


Thursday, November 24, 2005

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

My family and I went to watch Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire this afternoon. It wasn't bad but I honestly thought that it felt empty. I admit that I haven't read any of the books which may or may not have contributed to the sense of it having the empty feeling. The special effects were well done. Some of the character development wasn't the best. My overall opinion is that it is an enjoyable movie.


Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Wasabi Peas

I was introdced to wasabi peas this afternoon. Let me tell you that they're addictive. For those of you who might be unfamiliar with wasabi I'll explain. Wasabi is a plant that is finely ground and mixed into a paste to be used in Japanse cuisine i.g. raw fish, as well as noodle dishes. A common practice is to substitute a mixture of horseradish, mustard, and green food coloring for wasabi. The reasoning behind this is that wasabi is expensive. Why is wasabi so expensive? From what I can gather about it is that wasabi is one difficult plant to grow since there are only certian climates that it will grow. Wasabi does have a spicy taste to it but the spicines is not quite the same as that of peppers. The reason is that the burn doens't last as long and from what I understand there are vapors that burn the sinus cavity.

Anyway back to the wasabi peas. I found them to be surprisingly sweet. I was surprised in the sense that I was expecting the bite of the horseradish so that left me wide open for the surprise. Don't get me wrong they aren't sweet like candy but they have just enough to be that more enjoyable. As for the spiciness factor the peas weren't too bad but the horsradish did give enough of a bite to them. I thought the peas had a nice crunchy texture to them, almost like a nut. So if you enjoy horseradish and can find a can of wasabi peas than by all means buy a can or two.


Fifty million Elvis fans can't be wrong

In preparation for Thanksgiving tomorrow I will have a little guessing game. The winner gets a pony.* So guess what song this is from. I'm sure that this may be too easy but who cares.

Gobble gobble goo and
Gobble gobble gickel
I wish turkey
Only cost a nickel

*no ponies actually awarded since this is just a joke.


Saturday, November 19, 2005

So Fresh and So Clean

I think that opening a fresh can of coffee has to be one of the most enjoyable things in the world. At least for me anyway. The reason I say this is that the smell is absolutly wonderful.


Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Woo!!! I love the cold.

Today is seriously feeling like it should for this time of year. That is it's cold outside. I just checked on the Weather Channel's website a couple minutes ago to find out what the tempurature was. It's forty degrees and feels like thirty with a nice strong wind. I know very few people who actually enjoy cold weather, actually I only know for sure one other person who really likes it anywhere as much as I do. The only thing that's missing is the two-three feet of snow. I can hardly wait for the snow and hope that it stays longer than a few hours. In my opinion snow that stays for less than two days doesn't really count as snow. I'm considering going back outside for awhile to enjoy the cold some more.


Monday, November 14, 2005

Yet another...

Just filler. I found this at Third World County

You are Franklin!

Which Peanuts Character are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Optical Roller Ball

I think that in past few months since I have gotten my optical mouse that has a scroll wheel I have become a bit spoiled. The reason that I say that is that every time I come to the library and use a computer on the first or forth floor and want to scroll down a page on a web site I automatically go for the scroll wheel. The mice at least on the two floors mentioned aren't optical so they tend to collect junk on the little wheels that the ball turns, which slow the response time of the mouse. I never really fully appreciated scroll wheels before I got my current mouse a few months ago. As for the optical aspect I guess that I never really thought about how convienent that aspect of a mouse was until I had the mouse for awhile.

Double dog dared to puke

I finally got around to watching part of Daredevil last night. Man, was it ever a waste of time. If it weren't for the fact that it was on tv and thus I didn't have to pay for it I may not have watched as much of it as I did. My opinion the writing was only mediocre at best. Just about the only good thing about the movie was Jennifer Garner. I guess that I'm a little biased against the movie since Ben Affleck was cast as the leading role. I really don't like him as an actor or much at all really.


Zoundry update

I just recently updated Zoundry, so far it looks good. A lot of the features make this version seem really convinient when compared to the last version. Needless to say there are a few things that I need to figure out about this version.


Saturday, November 12, 2005

Blogger's name change to Blocker

Blogger has been acting up to the point of it being a pain in...the neck. The problem lies in that I haven't been able to post with any reliablilty by the normal means. In other words I haven't been able to post by using Zoundry or the "Create a Post" method built into Blogger. Actually when I used the method built into Blogger all that would show up is the title.

Anyway I've gotten around the problem but am still a bit annoyed at Blogger for being so stupid in regards to this problem.


Thursday, November 03, 2005

The exciting world of science

I have recently come to the realiztion that science really excites me. I know that this is extremly nerdy but I don't really care. Well, to tell the truth science has pretty much facinated me since at least the fifth grade so I really shouldn't surprised by this realization. Something that interests me, that I've only recently found out that I find to be fun, is to on occasion to read about scientific research and the results that were found. I guess that science intrests me because I am curious by nature and I like to find out how and why things work the way that they do. I believe that my interest in science is what drives me to read sci-fi. I know I'm such a nerd but, you know what, I'd musch rather find out as much about the world around me than be blind to it.