Saturday, September 16, 2006

Feel the burn...or not

A friend and I went to a buffalo wing place last night for dinner. I, of course, ordered the hottest stuff they offered on the menu. This seemed to be enough to cause the waitress to pause and think that I was slightly off in the head or something like that. I honestly didn't think that the wings were as hot as they were made out to be. I say that because after I was done I didn't feel the need to quench any the "burn." Well, don't get me wrong I did feel a bit of a burn at the back of my throat at the beginning and my lips did feel like they were burning after I had finished. None of these things lasted more than a minute or so. Plus, they were hardly noticeable.


Thursday, September 07, 2006

It's a joke!!!

**Keep in mind as you're reading this post that I voted Republican in the last Presidential election. And that I'm not one of those left wing extremists. So no scathing comments are to be left, ok?**

In one of my classes the other day we were started a group project and I made a joke about VP Chaney. It wasn't anything bad about him personally or politically but I still got a shocked look from some of my group mates and even a comment about it. I quickly explained that it was just a joke and that I did vote for Bush/Chaney. The joke dealt with Chaney's hunting accident. I admit that the joke was quite likely uncalled for and possibly mean but I thought that it was a bit funny. Don't be asking me to post what the joke because otherwise I might be getting people flaming me and I don't want to be banning people from commenting. To much of a hassle.


International Talk Like a Pirate Day

I just thought that I'd give everyone a heads up about "International Talk Like a Pirate Day," it's on the 19th. Ok, true it's coming up in two weeks which means that this is an extremely early warning. I just thought that I'd overcompensate for only mentioning it a few days ahead last year. So you get ready by brushing up on piratey things, especially the talking part.
