Thursday, June 30, 2005

Ender's jeesh

You may or may not know that Ender's Game is being made into a movie. Even though it comes out sometime in 2007 I'm still excited about it. I do have my doubts that it will be any justice to the book. The first reason is that have my doubts is that movies that are based on books don't always do full justice to the book. Second reason Wolfgang Petersen. The reason that I list him as a reason is because he directed the crappy adaptation of an epic written by Homer. I don't know I guess that I shouldn't lay all of the blame on Wolfgang Petersen, since he didn't write the screenplay for said adaptation.

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Yet more...

I know, I know more quiz results. I'm doing this because of lack of inspiration and anyway you know you want a better glimpse of my personality.
Congratulations! You scored a super 71%!
Cool, calm and powerful. Whilst your actual super abilities may not be anything too dazzling, you have earnt the respect of both friends and enemies in response to your amazing fighting skills, strategic combat and experience. Luckily you have access to the greens which can fund all your majorly cool gadgets, vehicles and weapons! Also, you're reluctant but still accepting to the idea of having a teammate/side-kick, which just makes everything a whole lotta fun, doesn't it now! On the down side, you've probably suffered some sort of trauma at a young age. Similar to the Wolverine, your past is a base for your current motivation, undertaking some kind of personal vow in search of justice. All in all though, you're one tough nut. There's not a lot of people who have the minerals to go up against you, and you're experienced enough not to get cocky and let the little things like never finding happiness get you down!

My test tracked 1 variable How you compared to other people your age and gender:
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You scored higher than 79% on Heropoints
Link: The Which SUPER HERO are you Test written by crayzee69 on Ok Cupid

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Mental Beano

I have been having a serious case of brain farts. I say that because I haven't been able to think of anything worth blogging on in the last two weeks. I wish someone woud make something for that, brain farts. Mental Beano. I don't know. Not only have I had a lack of inspiration but also a lack of motivation to blog in the past couple of weeks. I'll do my best to change the motivation part, if I feel like it...Just joking about that last part.

Friday, June 10, 2005

"I have so many facets, you don't even know what facets are."

I found some of my old comic books that I had when I was little and when I found them I could hardly have been more excited. I didn't ever really ever have all that big of a collection but the ones that I did have I enjoyed. I also realized that my collection is split down the middle number wise between Marvel and DC. Well, I do have a recent addition from Dark Horse. I am not the avid comic book reader that I once was. I guess that I just lost interest in reading comic books. Not that I wouldn't buy or read them anymore. I think that I would buy a comic in heart beat if  I felt as if it was going to be good or, to be perfectly honest, it were a comic book that interested me and the the cover art looked cool. Yes, another facet of me is revealed.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Every Journey Starts With One Step

I've gotten some good suggestions from people so far when I asked for suggestions for good sci-fi in my post "A Wookie and his pet nerd". For those who made suggestions thank you. I feel as if I am making fairly decent progress. I had made this goal a goal before posting about it, so the progress isn't as as rapid as it may sound. I guess all I really needed was the final Star Wars movie to be released and a figurative kick in the butt to go down this road. I started on the suggestions that were made by buying New Spring by Robert Jordan the prequel to The Wheel of Time series this past Sunday. So, thanks again to everyone who has made a suggestion so far.

Sunday, June 05, 2005

"Your mom goes to college."

I thought I was a nerd before but if I were to believe this quiz than I'd  feel as if I have been dropped at least a notch on the social ladder. I found out about this quiz over at Third World County.
You are Kip Dynamite and you love technology.

Which Napoleon Dynamite character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

What?!? You want less nerdy?

For those of you who have read any of my previous posts you'll already know by now that I'm a self-proclaimed nerd. I will likely continue posting in this vein for the foreseeable future. If you however are in the mood for a  blog read that isn't nerdy I'd like to direct you to either Third Word County or Eel-Infested Waters. There are a whole list of blogs that I could direct you to in addition to those but I think that those two will suffice for now.

Friday, June 03, 2005

What Kind of D&D Character Are You? Does it matter?

I have never played D&D and don't plan to anytime soon but I need the distraction that these types of quizzes offer from time to time. This one is more than a bit on the silly side. If you've read my previous posts you may have figured out that I have a tendency to be a master of understatement at times. While your thinking of this quiz why don't you check out my dad's results at Third World County. Make sure to read his other posts when you're there.
You scored 75 Holy, 57 Tactful, 20 Natural, and 50 Arcane!
Hahah... I once heard you described as a paragon of chivalry and virtue, but just because you fight (hard) for a God doesn't mean you're virtuous in society's eyes. Especially because in this world as you could just as easily be an anti-paladin, so don't let it get to your head. That warning aside, you are pretty awesome... you are a knight in the Templar style. You are almost always found riding around on a glistening (or nightmarish, your choice) horse, with impeccibly shined armor sparkling in the ray of sunshine that God makes sure never leaves your side, with your sword making neatly coreographed swishing motions, and caught amongst a cloud of blood and bits of non-believers that splatters everything 10 yards around you save your armor and your achingly-white-toothed fanatic smile. Is there any creature of God more dangerous than the single-minded paladin riding around, smiting everything it sees?.... Thank God (most of) you are on our side. No, literally.

My test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
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You scored higher than 89% on Godliness
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You scored higher than 62% on Tact
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You scored higher than 3% on Harmony
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You scored higher than 64% on Arcane
Link: The Which D & D Class am I Test written by effataigus on OkCupid Free Online Dating

Thursday, June 02, 2005

A Wookie and his pet nerd

I just realized in the past couple of days how obsessed with Star Wars I have become. I say obsessed because that's the closest word there is. Don't get me wrong I'm not one of those fans that waits in line dressed up as an obscure character or goes to a Star Wars convention dressed as said obscure character. I have however been tempted to make a costume of a fairly minor character. I do have a lot of the books, a ton of the CCG cards from Decipher, and Risk the Clone Wars edition. So yeah, I am fairly high up there on the geeky scale when it comes to Star Wars. It scares me a bit. That said I think that I will have to cool down a bit when it comes to Star Wars. 
I'm not saying that I will ever totally stop liking Star Wars. I will likely always enjoy Star Wars. I just think I need to broaden my taste in sci-fi, so that's exactly what I'll be doing this summer. If you have any suggestions on good sci-fi authors/books please tell me.