Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Revenge of the Sith

After I saw Revenge of the Sith, I was left a little numb. Part of the reason that I was so numb was that I was wanting to cry that the Jedi were killed. Another reason is that I was just shocked that this was happening. Yeah, I know, I know. I really shouldn't have been shocked since I knew going into it that the most of the Jedi  were going to die.
I still liked the movie despite the dark, slightly creepy feeling of the movie. Part way through the movie I had the feeling of being dirty for watching the Jedi being killed and the Republic being dismantled bit by bit. The reason that I say that I felt a bit dirty is because I just felt sick that I couldn't look away. Well, the entire movie wasn't that bad but it did have it's parts.
Warning to those who haven't yet seen the movie spoilers ahead. An example of a time that I felt like crying was after Anakin turned to the Dark Side and was given his first assignment by Sidious. His assignment was to kill the Jedi that remain on Coruscant. When Anakin went into the Council Chamber there is a group of young children who are being trained but haven't been taken as padawans hiding. They come out of hiding when they see Anakin. One of the boys asks Anakin what they should do since they are out numbered. Anakin ignites his lightsabre then the camera pans away. Despite the fact that they don't show what happens to the children, you still know.
At one point I was questioning the Republic and the Jedi. I'm not saying that I think that either are worthless but just slightly flawed. I am not saying that I thought that either should be destroyed but that they should be worked on to work out the problems. I don't think that the destruction of the Republic or the Jedi really made the problems any better but worse. I am not a supporter of the Empire. As a matter of fact I hated the Empire, because it had even more flaws than the Old Republic. Palpatine had even more problems than the entire Jedi Order combined.
After the movie I was talking to some of my friends that I went to watch Revenge with. Here's what two of them had to say:
"It (Revenge of the Sith) was much better than the first two. It meet my expectations, I was expecting it to be well done and it was. It was very dark. You leave the theater feeling dirtier, at least I did. I think that it had a lot of lessons that could be applied to life. It demostrated the cost of giving in to what you know is wrong."- Austin M.
"Overall it wasn't a disappointment.As a whole it lived up to the expectations beautafully. Even the small lines used in the movies weren't arbritary, but would prove to be valid in the future. Certain parts of the movie and quotes were wonderful personification of truths and values that are both timeless and invaluable. Episode III, more than any other movie I've seen illustrates just how "evil" evil truly is. Everyone cringes as Anakin turns, but I wonder why and if some don't cringe as their lives and the lives around them take this same, terrible change of directions." Garret J.
My opinion of Revenge of the Sith is that it is a good movie. True there are some lines that aren't well delivered. Some of the acting is a bit wooden, but when compared to Ep. I and Ep. II those problems don't seem quite as bad. I think that this is partially because of the sheer amount of action. So I think that this is a movie that any Star Wars fan should miss? No. I seriously think that every Star Wars fan should see this movie.

Friday, May 27, 2005

Stinkoman 20x6

Stinkoman 20x6 is an entertaining game. It's a little silly but than again what on the Homestar Runner site isn't silly? Stinkoman 20x6 has six levals and on each leval there are two stages.
"On planet K, Stinkoman is always looking for a fighting or challenge. In 20x6, he can usually find one." (From game, I didn't make this up.)
Haloscan commenting and trackback have been added to this blog.

DVD type Meme

1) Number of DVDs that I own:
2) Last DVD that I bought:
Finding Nemo. It was a Christmas gift.
3) Last DVD that I watched:
Star Wars Ep. II: Attack of the Clones
4) Five movies that I watch a lot or mean a lot to me (in no particular order):
a. Star Wars Ep. II: Attack of the Clones (getting a little burned out on it)
b. Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
c. Tommy Boy
d. Star Wars Ep. IV: A New Hope
e. The Matrix
5. Tag 5 others:
I'll update as people agree to do this.

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Go to the Carnival of the Force

If you have a blog and have recently posted on Star Wars or plan to, than go to Carnival of the Force.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Numa Numa Dance

I don't know how many of you have heard of the Numa Numa Dance. If you haven't let me be the first to tell you that it's hilarious. I suggest that you go and watch it as soon as possible. I was first told about it back in December over Christmas break by my dad.

In defense of Jar Jar...

It seems as if very few people like Jar Jar Binks. I can understand why they don't. I don't really think that he is a worthy addition to the Star Wars story. I do however think that if he didn't get so much screen time he'd be alright. To just outright hate him is a bit overboard. True, Jar Jar can be annoying at times, he got way to much screen time in Episode I, among a multitude of other reasons to dislike him. I think that most people haven't and still aren't giving him the chance that he deserves. Think about it for a moment. People were dissapointed in Episode I so they were/are probably taking it out on Jar Jar. Jar Jar is not on my favorite characters list, I just don't hate him like a lot of people seem to.
Despite all of his shortcomings Jar Jar does have his positive qualities. For starters Jar Jar is loyal. He sticks to those he loves even through the tough times. Jar Jar knows how to stick to his duty, even if he is sidetracked by a sith lord.

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Sheeps is not sheep

I have a feeling that many people have seen the banners while on-line that say something to the effect of  "Shot the            and get a free iPod." I just hate those banners. Well I just a few minutes ago came across the most idiotic, the most illiterate, the most...ok I think you get the picture. It said "shoot the sheeps and get a free iPod." When I saw that, I was both annoyed and doing my best not to laugh my head off.

Music Meme

Total volume of music files on my computer?
253 MB
The last CD I bought was...
Live at the Greek-Josh Groban. (It was a Christmas gift for my sister.)
Song playing right now
This is Your Life- Switchfoot
Five songs I listen to a lot or that mean a lot to me (in no particular order)
1) Walls- Emery
2)  Let This One Stay- Dizmas
3)  Falling Further- Spoken
4)  Nevertheless- Mumsdollar
5) Good Riddance (Time Of Your Life)- Green Day
Which 5 people are you passing this baton to, and why?
I am doing this slightly differently. If you're wanting to do this quasi-meme than just post a comment that you are planning on doing so.

Sunday, May 15, 2005

"...Me get bery scared...."

This week is the week that will see an event that many Star Wars fans have been waiting for a few years. Yep, you've likely guessed what I'm talking about, the release of Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. If you're a parent of a young child who is wanting to see the movie you may want to read an article titled "Parent's Guide to Revenge of the Sith - Updated!" In this article Scott at theforce.net warns of some of the things that might freak out some of the younger viewers. Yes, his article does contain spoilers.
I would recommend the article to all parents of younger children who might want to watch Revenge of the Sith, as well as to those who want to know some of what happens.

Saturday, May 14, 2005

Fan Films

I stumbled across a Star Wars fan film yesterday and actually enjoyed it. The name of the film is "Star Wars: Revelations" produced by Panic Struck Productions. It wasn't nearly as bad as I was expecting it to be, especially since I was expecting it to be flat out terrible. I'm not saying it was the best movie out there but considering the budget that they were on it wasn't half bad. The acting was a bit cheesy, the special effects were not that great. What made the movie so interesting? Well, in some ways it is a lot better than so many other fan films that I have seen, most of which have been Star Wars fan films.
Another fan film that I really thought was good is "Imperial Chopper." "Imperial Chopper" is a parody of "American Chopper." It is hilarious. Yet another funny parody is "Troops", this time the movie is a parody of "Cops"  Though I admit that the first part is funnier than the second part. In their own way these two are better than "Revelations." I think that fan films should be only compared to what they are a mimicry of so far and after that point should be judged for what they are or aren't. That is only my opinion.
If you know of any good fan films please tell me.
I should warn you that the fan films that I have posted on seem to be only playable in Quicktime. If you don't like Quicktime I'm sorry for the inconvenience.



Monday, May 09, 2005

Crazy Go Nuts

I found out this morning that my post titled "Equivalent Exchange" I mentioned the character Alphonse Elrich just once but just mentioning him made that post number two on Google. True this isn't all that important since my post won't likely stay at that position for long. Knowing that didn't really stop me from being crazy go nuts when I realized.
Update: My post is no longer at number two on Google. That's just the way it goes. I am not really disappointed, because I was expecting this.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Big O

Which Big O character are you?
Which Big O character are you?

Yes, according to the quiz I took I would be Roger Smith.  Big O is an interesting show. Cartoon Network has aired it a few times during Adult Swim.