Monday, March 27, 2006 selling magazine subscriptions

In the last few weeks a friend of mine has been receiving magazines that he doesn't want. I'm not talking about anything indecent or the like but things like parenting, decorating, and fitness magazines. It's incredibly funny. The fact that he doesn't think that it is makes it all the more so in my opinion. I'm not entirely sure why he's getting them even though I think he explained to me. An odd thing is that he canceled any subscription that he had after he started getting them.


Friday, March 17, 2006

Sensory Overload

What is it with people and their nonsensical traditions? Today is St. Patrick's Day and I refuse to observe it. The reason being is because I don't want to be coerced into wearing green on a specific day by threats of pinching. Don't get me wrong I'm not trying to dishonour St. Patrick or anything like that, it's just a stupid tradition. I've only had one person all day try to pinch me, which broke my record of not being piched on St. Patrick's Day.


Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Operation Bar Press

On some level I'm surprised that some people don't change their behaviour. I say this because I hear them talking about how they speed and keep getting tickets for doing so. I almost always want to say "If you don't want tickets don't speed, you idiot." Or I hear how they, sometimes same people, get into accidents. It seems obvious to me that if they don't want their insurence to go up, that they should actually learn to drive. If they actually do so this type of stuff won't always be happening to them. Will they ever make the connection, if they haven't already? I don't know.

Well, if I were to agree with B.F. Skinner, who, I believe, didn't think that punishment actually worked in the long run, than this type of behaviour shouldn't surprise me.



Today, while I and everyone else in my first class of the day were waiting for class to start, there was an interesting conversation taking place. It was whether or not breast feeding babies was a good practice to hold. There's nothing wrong with that discussion but since it's a small class there was almost no way to miss hearing what's said. The only reason I'm posting this is because there was this one younger woman who was adamently against the practice. I'm glad that I didn't say it but I thought of saying while pointing at her chest "What do you think those are for, decoration?" If I had said that I'm sure that I might have gotten in so much trouble with her. The only reason that I can think that the subject of breast feeding even came up is that I think that one of the women in the class is pregnat. Normally, I try to mind my own bussiness and not to be too forceful with my opinion. At least when dealing with people who don't know me well enough to take it the wrong way. But in my opinion if babies, of any species, weren't meant to be breast feed to at least some degree than why do the female members of the species have the capability to breast feed their children?

Sunday, March 05, 2006

The award goes to...Dumpus the flying rubix cube

I guess the Oscars were tonight. I honestly wouldn't have known if my roommate hadn't just asked me about them a couple minutes ago. This is a concept I can't really get behind, airing award shows. I mean seriously why should anyone really care enough to waste their time watching these things? They're long, boring and take up regularly scheduled shows that I probbly wouldn't watch anyway. Well, I guess that I shouldn't really complain since I don't really watch all that much on whatever station(s) that award shows are aired on.


Thursday, March 02, 2006

Tish You

Just when I thought that I had avoided getting sick, I started feeling sick yesterday. I feel really kind of crappy today. I don't know why I avoided getting sick until now. I say that because something's been going around for the last few weeks. It almost seems as if a lot of people from my classes have either skipped because of sickness or came to class sick. These people sat right next to me which is partially why I'm surpised that I didn't get sick sooner. That's not to say that I won't be happy when whatever this is is gone.
