Sunday, August 28, 2005
I was talking with a friend of mine, who is also psychology major, on the way back to the dorms from class the other day. The topic of discussion was telaporters. The reason that we were talking about this is that the psychology classes are in one of the two buildings farthest from the dorms. During the course of the discussion we wondered which direction the physical fitness the human race would take if telport technology were to ever become a practical science. Another thing that we discussed was the medical potential and risks that might go along with it. I know that that seems a bit nerdy but hey who cares. If the possibilities aren't discussed how will technology advance?
The thing that reminded me of this discussion was I was just did a Google search for Isaac Asimov and obviously there was a mention of The Three Laws of Robotics. The search was completely unrelated. That reminded me of a thought that I had while my friend and I were discussing the medical potential for teleportation. My thought was shrinking the technology down to almost nanotechnology dimensions. Possible? I have absolutely no earthly idea, but it doesn't really matter because I'm just putting ideas out for you think about.
Saturday, August 27, 2005
How the West Won
I have been reading Timothy Zahn's Cobra whenever I've had a free minute or two. So far it's a really enjoyable book. I've read other books and short stories by Timothy Zahn but they were all Star Wars related. This one of the books that I bought in my project to become better educated in science fiction. I am not able to spend as much time since the school year has begun to read anything other than text books, which has been rough. I may not entirely like it but I'll have to accept it if I want to do decently in my classes. I plan reading the other Cobra books when I get the chance, whenever that happens to be.
So if you haven't had the pleasure of reading anything by Timothy Zahn I would suggest getting on that when you are able to. As for me I'm going to get another cup of coffee and go back to reading for Western Civ.
Friday, August 26, 2005
I've survived
I've survived the first week of school. My opinion of classes so far is that they are going to be alright. I'm not to sure about my British Literature II class but it's still early my opinion may change. In some ways I think that it's odd that in one of my classes there are two field trips scheduled into the course. I'm not complaining about being able to go on them it just doen't seem common for a college class to go off campus for an activity. I'm looking forward to being able to sleep in tomarrow, though I won't likely do so.
Monday, August 22, 2005
"If it weren't for my horse, I never would've gone to college."
As I was walking out of the cafeteria on my way to my first class this morning from breakfast I heard the oddest thing, or I think I did. I had to have misheard because I heard a guy say "I became a princess at twenty-two." That's what I heard. I don't know the guy but he didn't seem like a guy that would really consider himself a princess. Still it really seemed odd and gave me a laugh. I obviously didn't laugh where the two guys could hear me. That's not really something that I'd want to explain to them.
Sunday, August 21, 2005
Return of the School Year
I've been in my dorm room now for three days now and two nights and so far I think things will be a better environment than I've experienced in the particular building. Classes start tomorrow and I'm kind of blah about it. I'm am excited but I just a little bit less so than I have been in the past at this point in the year. I guess the reason is that I am more grateful for being back in and that's mixed with the fact that I feel weirded out after last semester, well actually emotionally drained is closer to the truth. At this point in time I won't get into the details of why I am emotionally drained.
Anyway, I am sure that this year will be good and hopefully less draining.
Thursday, August 18, 2005
Oh, shiny...
I really dislike packing/unpacking. The reason I bring this up now is that I'm packing up stuff so that I can move into the dorm tomorrow. Since this is my forth year of college I should be used to it by now, but I still dislike it about as much if not more so than the first time I packed to go to college. What I dislike so much about it is the uncertainty of what I might need during the school year. This year I've vowed to keep what I bring to a minimum. No clutter or as little as possible. If I don't see any need for it leave it. You're likely wondering why I haven't done this in the past. Well, I'll tell you why. I'm a pack rat. I seem to accumulate crap and am unable or unwilling to part with it.
Will I live up to this vow of mine? Time will tell.
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
I just watched Napoleon Dynamite again. I think that it's alright but honestly don't think that it's worth buying. I know that it's not really supposed to have a point but the makers of Napoleon Dynamite are too successful in achieving their goal. The pacing is extremely slow. There are a few laughs but not enough for me to put this movie on my top 5 list of favorite movies. On some level I do like this movie but think that it's overrated.
Monday, August 15, 2005
When Burnination has forsaken the countryside
I'm confused. Every single time that I play Peasant' Quest I always end up five points shy of the full 150 points possible. I've heard that if the baby is thrown into the lake it returns with a soda for five points. Every time that I try to throw the baby in to get the soda I am unable to do so. If you are able to confirm this for me I'd be extremly grateful. Let me know if this rumor of the five points is true and how I would go about attaining them.
Update: I finally figured out how to get the five points a while back. I wasn't trying in exactly the right place on the lake to throw the baby. You have to throw the baby in the lake where the pebbles were.
Autolycus' Boomstick
I realize that there might be a stigma attached to what I'm about to confess. The confession? I enjoy the stupidness of Bruce Campbell movies. Before you start throwing the molding contents from the back of your refrigerator in my general direction let me explain. The reason that I enjoy his movies is because of the fact that they are so stupid that they induce amusement, at least for me. I'm not saying that I own any movie that he's a main character in. The only movie that I own that he's in is the first Spider-man movie.
I just found out that my roommate enjoys Bruce Campbell movies and that several of his friends do as well, a few of which I've met. So in this sense it's good to know that I'm not alone.
You may or may not agree, but if you have a favorite Bruce Campbell flick please tell me by leaving a comment. Trust me I won't judge you. Yes, I'm aware that the title is esoteric. With that said don't feel bad if you miss the meaning.
Sunday, August 14, 2005
The Potato Chip Loving Cat
While my sister is in a transitional period she's staying here with my parents. She of course can't live without her pet cat Bandit, I can't blame her. Anyway my point is I can tell when he wants attention from me. He usually comes up and head butts my chair, I think that this an extremely amusing way for him to seek attention. Bandit really is a cute cat. He's really inquisitive, but then again what cat isn't? A few weeks ago I was eating potato chips for a snack, as soon as he saw me eating the chips he absolutely had to come up and beg for me to share the chips with him. Long story short is that he really is an interesting cat.
Saturday, August 13, 2005
Speculation on SW Ep. II
I was watching part of Star Wars Ep. II the other day and remembered why it is ranked as my least favorite Star Wars movie. Well, honestly I never really forgot. A reason that I and so many other people dislike Ep. II is because it seems as if the interactions between Padme and Anakin are so wooden and unbelievable. The likely causes of this is poor scripting and yes poor directing. It seems as if they took a dead cat, the movie, and decided to kill it even further by picking it up by the tail and beating it against the walll, adding more scenes with Padme and Anakin.
Not really sure since it's just specutlation. It just seems as if the scenes were Padme and Anakin interact could have been better had they casted a better actor for the role of Anakin, as well as scripting and directing the scenes better.
Please feel free to jump on in and offer your thoughts on the matter by posting comments.
Friday, August 12, 2005
New to the blogosphere
A friend of mine recently started blogging after being inspired to do so after reading my blog. Which is awesome on both counts, him starting to blog and that I inspired him. Please drop on by his blog sometime and while you're there make sure to drop a comment. I'm sure that he'd appreciate your commenting, since most if not all bloggers do.
Thursday, August 11, 2005
I think that I'm losing interest in anime. For one reason or another this doesn't really bother me. I'm not saying that I have totally and completly lost interest in it, it's just that I haven't really watched it much all summer. I guess that my interest in anime was just a phase that I've mostly gotten past.
The Good, The Bad, The Unsure
Well, I'm at a point where I can see the light at the end of the tunnel with the school situation. That's not to say that everything is perfectly clear. I guess all that I can do is pray and have faith that things will all work out for the best. I admit that at times that is difficult, to have faith that is. There have been some days where I've have to fight off panic attacks. I've come to the conclusion that I worry too much. That's not to say that there isn't any reason for me to be concerned in this situation, I just have to let God have this situation.
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
A website that I believe that every college student, or anyone else that wants to save money, should know about is Bigwords. The reason that I believe this is because I have used this site before and have been extremly happy with it. College students can save when compared to the book store. What Bigwords does is search various online vendors for the lowest prices and lists them in order from lowest at the top to most expensive. You can search for books, cds, dvds, games, and even school supplies.
Sunday, August 07, 2005
The Crisper Drawer
It's about time for classes to start. I'm not all that excited about it right now. Ask me in about a week or so the story might change. The reason being is that I've had certain issues arise that has seriously complicated life for me right now. I won't go into what they are but I will say this, when they are all straightened out needless to say my life will be that much easier. It's times like these that I wish that I had my own a The Cheat to kick. Well, I might not want to kick The Cheat since I don't want Strong Mad to hunt me down and deliver a beat down, or to have a bust of Van Buren thrown at me.
Update: Sorry for the really esotericness of this post towards the end.