Monday, October 31, 2005
Today before my Western Civilization class started some of the people in my class were talking about what their majors are. When they found out that I'm a psychology major and am just taking the course as a elective they gave me weird looks as if they couldn't believe that I would actually choose to take the class. After they gave me the disbelieving looks I was thinking something along the lines that I want to have as much of a well rounded education as possible and not limit myself to just a fairly narrow area of knowledge. I would rather know at least a little bit about a breadth of things than just a lot about one area. I know that shouldn't do this too much while still in college but I feel as if I might be better suited to do more things outside of college. I could very well be wrong but even if I am wrong I will still will have this knowledge that I might not have gained otherwise.
I find it incredably irritating when I either hear or read someone using logical fallacies. I guess that's what I get for having a philosophy professor for a required English class and than later taking an intro to philosophy class. I bring up logical fallacies because as I was leaving the library on Friday. I notice a flyer that some Loony Left Moonbat(term borrowed from Third World County) had put up. It was comparing Clinton's lie about his sexual relations, with Bush's statement about Saddam having Weapons of Mass Destruction. I'm basing this post on the assumption that Bush truely didn't know that Saddam didn't have those weapons but was going on bad intelligence.
The flyer said someting to the effect of, keep mind that I'm paraphrasing:
(there was a picture of four soldiers carring what is supposed to be a casket here)
The cost of a lie.
"I did not have sex with that woman."
Lives lost: 0
"Saddam Hussein has weapons of mass destruction."
Lives lost: 2000
So is it just me or is that full of fallacies? How can you really compare a deliberate lie with a statement that could be more difficult proving to be an intentional lie?
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
When mutant rat midgets are enough
Dr. Phat Tony has a post on one of the funniest gags I have ever heard of. I think that it is so funny mainly because of the reaction of the Peta sissy to the gag. I'll let you go watch it to find out more.
Monday, October 24, 2005
Stockpiled Soap
I am officially stumped. Before I was only marganilly confused, but now I'm stumped. What I'm talking about is how some of the guys seem to either have a massive stockpile of soap stashed somewhere in there room or they can get it really inexpensively. Or it could just be that they're incredibly wasteful. I say this because it seems that just about every time that I go to take a shower there is a partial bar of soap in one of the shower stalls. If someone does have a massive stockpile of soap or can get it for dirt cheap they should let me know so that if and when I ever start running low I can go to them.
I'm sorry if this post is post included tmi for any of you, I just thought I'd share how stumped I am with you.
Saturday, October 22, 2005
See Saw II?
I found out yesterday that there is going to be a sequel to Saw. I honestly don't understand why because the first one wasn't all that spectacular in my opinion. Yes, Saw did have plenty of gore but if that's that's the bulk of what a movie depends on than sorry but that's pathetic. There was a twist at the end of Saw that I probably should have seen coming but I am ashamed to say that I didn't. Well at least not entirely because I knew something was up but I couldn't quite put my finger on what.
Saw II from what I understand is more of the same. The victims have to choose to either do nothing and let the traps kill them or do something and run the risk of being killed anyway. If they are in the trap with others they also are pitted against each other. I guess that in general there really are very many innovative horror/thriller movies out there. There have been a few that have given me the jibblies, one of which seriously made me want to run out of the room screaming like a little girl.
My opinion on whether or not to see Saw II is that it really isn't worth seeing unless your bored and it's in a cheap theater. Otherwise it's not likely worth seeing unless you really liked the first one for some unfathomable reason.
Thursday, October 20, 2005
I sometimes wish that there were a better place to study than the library. What I mean is that sometimes the library here on campus is just about the worst place to study and others it's the best place to study. What that means is that during the more busy times there can be hardly anywhere to sit and study. Than there is also the problem of the dumb/rude people talking so loudly that you can hear them from across the library.
I did say that if the library is can be the best place to study. What I mean is that if you were to hit the library at just the right time it's wonderfully quiet. It's typically this way about an hour before it closes and anywhere from half an hour from opening to an hour after opening during the week. On the weekend it's a little better because the quiet lasts longer.
There are generally places withing the library that can be gone to to get away from all of the hustle. These places are the study rooms. The study rooms are a fairly decent place to go because they are just quiet enough and small enough to give the illusion of being all alone in the library.
What brought this little rant on is that I was in the library for a little while this afternoon reading the current issue of Popular Science and one of the student workers for the library really doesn't know how to speak quietly at all.
Friday, October 14, 2005
It's nice. Tuesday and Wedensday of this week the honor English club, whatever it's called exactly, had a book sale. I'm talking used books. They do this every year as a fundraiser sort of thing but what they have to raise money for I don't know. That's off the point that I was trying to making. The point I was wanting to make is that on Tuesday I had about half an hour before my literature class started and the book sale was set up right inside the door of the building. After looking for a couple minutes I found about three sci-fi books that I was interested, however I only bought two of them at the time since I only had enough money on me at the time to buy two. Later on in the day I went back to the book sale to look for one or two more interesting books. Yep, you may have guessed I found a couple. Well, one of them was a three in one edition of a trilogy. One of the exciting things about this whole experience was that all of the books that I bought were fifty cents each so all said and done I spent only two dollars for four books, that is if you count the three in one only once.
Thursday, October 13, 2005
I see dumb people
I am seriously beginning to be of the opinion that some people are so stupid that they pose a threat to not only themselves but to others as well. What's worse is that they either don't know or don't care that they are so stupid. What brings this on is that at the crosswalks from the dorms and the football field to the main part of campus traffic lights with crossing signals for pedestrians were installed a few years back. However people don't use them as they should which makes them dangerous to themselves and pose a threat to on coming traffic. I should explain that I'm not a mean or hateful person I'm just tired of stupid people.
When I say that these stupid people pose a threat to themselves and on coming traffic they may push the button that tells the crossing signal system someone's wanting to cross but don't always wait to be told to cross. If no on coming traffic is coming it's not as bad but still quite possibly illegal but if not illegal incredibly stupid. What's worse are those people who cross when there is on coming traffic. Those of us who lived in the dorms had to do this my freshman year before the lights were installed at the two places that I mentioned but now people who do this are lazy and stupid in my opinion. I think that I should state the reason that I think that the people who cross before being told to are stupid, even though I suspect that you the reader either already know or have figured you why this stupid behavior is stupid. I think that crossing before being told to is stupid because it elevates the chance of being hit dramatically. I realize that there is always a chance of being hit even if the pedestrian has the right away. I know this because I have had a few close calls.
Am I opinionated? Yes, extremely so. I'm don't think that I'll apologize for it either. At least not yet. I do realize that nothing can be done about stupid people.
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Don't follow the lights!
There are evidently legends in Europe that are linked to Spook Light type phenomenon. After reading through some of the legends I suspect that I know where J.R.R. Tolkien might have gotten the idea for the lights that Gollum warns Sam and Frodo about after leading them into the bog.
Monday, October 10, 2005
I want to watch Serenity, I mean I really, really want to watch it. I know there are those who won't want to simply because they have heard bad things about the show. I however have been watching the show pretty regularly and am enjoying it. Now wait until you have finished reading the post before you post any arguments against either the show or the movie. First the tv show was aired out of order, second the budget wasn't all that great from what I hear. So how can you expect the outcome to be expceptional even from Joss Weadon.
Yes, I know Buffy the Vampire Slayer movie was low budget. I know this because I've seen it several times and even thought on numerous occasions to buy it on dvd. The only reason that I bring up Buffy the Vampire Slayer is to draw a connection to his earlier works that have ultimatly been a success in one way or another.
I have as of yet only heard good things about it, Serenity. In addition to hearing good things about it I want to see it since I have become a fan of the series.
Friday, October 07, 2005
Run Away! Run Away!
If you've ever been over to the Thinkgeek website you already know that there is some funny stuff there. A while back I saw something pretty much every Monty Python fan would enjoy. That item is the Monty Python Killer Rabbit Plush.
Thursday, October 06, 2005
Short Skirt and Cold Temps
It's finally cold here whether it'll stay that way for a while I have no idea. Explain to me the point of looking good if it causes discomfort. What's my point? My point is that I saw a chick wearing a short skirt(mid-thigh) and here it was 10:50ish and fairly cold. I mean I don't mind the cold. I have a little extra insulation in addition to a extremely high tolerance for the cold to begin with. So I can go without a coat until it gets really cold and snows.
Anyway back to the point. I'm not saying that Short Skirt Woman wasn't attractive I'm just confused. She would still have been attractive had she actually been wearing more clothing. She wasn't attractive because of the shor skirt. She sure would have seemed more intelligent. I guess that I am confused by this thought pattern in general. The thought pattern being that seems to be that the more skin shown the more attractive. I can certainly tell you that it seems an unfair tactic for attention.
So if anyone can please explain this behavior to me than please do so.
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
Spook Light
Ok, I know that Halloween is a way off but I have decided to post stuff that doesn't as of yet have any scientific explanations all month long at sporadic times. Think of it as an X-Files theme. First one the Spook Light at Hornet, Missouri. I admit that I have actually been out to see the Spook Light and did see it I had been hearing about it for a few years before actually being out to see it. For those of you who have never heard of it and aren't familiar with it I will explain.
The Spook Light is a ball of light that seems to move of it's own accord. The size of the light almost always varies each time that people see it. The Spook Light has been appearing for almost 140 years now. The most popular is that it was merely will-o’-the-wisp, the name given to a outcome that is caused by the decay of wood and organic materials. The emission of light that comes from the decay often glows brightly and can be seen on occasion in wooded areas and damp regions.*
A couple of legends surrounding the Spook Light are as follows. One of them claimed the light was connected to the spirit of two young Quapaw Indians who died in the area many years ago. Another claimed the light was the spirit of an Osage Indian chief who had been beheaded on the Devil's Promenade and the light was said to be his torch as he searched for his missing head. Another legend tells of a miner whose children were kidnapped by Indians and he set off looking for them with only a lantern to light his way. The light is said to be his lantern as continues looking for the children that he will never find.*
Some skeptics say that what the Spook Light really is is just headlights from passing vehicles from the highway that is just a few miles away and the light from the headlights is refracted. I guess this is possible, likely I don't know for sure.
I really am not sure what to believe. What should you believe? I'll leave that to you.
*astrixs indicate the info that I "stole" from the website that I linked to and changed some of the wording
Captian of the Gravy Train
Ah, the joys of mean introducing people to Trogdor, Homsar and the other characters of Homestarrunner. Well, actually my roommate had heard of the site but hadn't really become familiar with it so in sense I introduced him to it by showing him various SB emails and the character page for Homsar.
As Stewie Griffin once said...
Do you ever feel as if those around you instead of speaking the English language just gnaw on it a while and spit it out? I feel that way a lot. As a matter of fact I over heard at least two people who were speaking like that while I was on the way back to my dorm room from my eight o'clock class. I have been known to use bad grammer or the wrong word from time to time but at least I try to put my English classes and vocabulary to good use. Every time that I over hear someone using bad grammer i.e. words in the wrong tense, I have a hard time from refraining from correcting them at least in my head.
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
Holey Jeans
I'm confused by the trend of wearing torn jeans. Who in their right mind thinks it's cool to wear torn jeans? I mean it's just crazy. The reason that I'm on one of the computers in the library here on campus and there's this chick who has some really holey jeans. She may as well be wearing shorts for the amount of skin she's showing. I don't understand what would come over people to wear something like this? Seriously I do want an answer to this conundrum, so if you have a hypothesis or an actual reason for this please offer it up for me to ponder.
Where do these things keep coming from?

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